
Many paths to academic success

The British War on Academics

IJCAIs I Have Seen (a quick prelude to "Goodbye, Minsky")

Stupid versus Evil: The Big Short and the Localisation of Risk

What are academics for? Can we be replaced by AI?

Update on (Accelerating!) AI Car Wars

AI Ethics and Car Wars

2015: The first year AI nearly killed me

Who owns the official recording of your interaction with the police?

AI & Consciousness, in 5x140 characters

Historical objectivity

More from me on the threats and non-threats of AI

On being made an instrument of the state

Clones should NOT be slaves

why I'm less worried about the future of work (a few quick notes)

Women's Forum Special Report: Does Artificial Intelligence benefit all parts of our society?

I could do that

Income disparity affects everyone, so it isn't just class warfare

Arguing with reviewers in the response letter