I've been busy lately, but just so these are indexed:
- Intelligence in the Flesh: Why Your Mind Needs Your Body Much More than It Thinks, by Guy Claxton. That's a THE book review by me, but the book and the review are relevant to AI ethics in that it describes why a human body is key to human-like intelligence. I'm also one of the people who wrote cover-jacket blurb for Martin Ford's The Rise of The Robots.
- Special Report: Does Artificial Intelligence benefit all parts of our society? That was an interview of me about how AI is going. It was a generic email interview I assumed all Women's Forum speakers got, but mine has been the only one featured on their website for months now, so maybe not. Anyway, I think it's interesting in that it expresses the lack of impediments to solving AI right now.
- The Women's Forum has now put up video of my panel at their global meeting earlier this month, with neuro-prostheticist Stéphanie P. Lacour (EPFL), and the session organiser and chair, Maria Livanos Cattaui: On the cusp: The promise of breakthrough brain research. I the moment in Q&A at 21:55 is particularly important, when Anna Marie from the Red Cross says "the only limit to the violence [in war] is where the human says 'no'". This is absolutely a problem with automated warfare, and one of the reasons I left the USA, to avoid working on "battlefields of the future". But we also talk about other major ethical issues, such as human enhancement and superintelligence.
- Five questions we should ask ourselves before AI answers them for us. BBC. A slightly odd "interview" that was actually derived from a recorded phone conversation when I was helping with the author's awesome Artificial Intelligence Dictionary, I guess she decided to reuse some of the rest of the content she got from me too by reframing it as an interview, but I think you can tell it's really me explaining things to one person on the phone.
- Robots are coming for your job ... and that's not all – The Guardian's "Tech Weekly podcast", with a real economist not just speculating tech geeks, and also Martin Ford.
- Bath just dug up a two-year-old interview in a Tech Republic article: Robots of death, robots of love: The reality of android soldiers and why laws for robots are doomed to failure.
- More recently, a debate I appeared in got covered in Managing Partner, Artificial intelligence to create an industrial revolution for the legal sector; and I'm one of an illustrious set of people (Geoff Hinton!) in the CBA/ABC National article, Artificial Intelligence.