
blind peer review (ScienceOpen)

I didn't know about the self-funding PhD "position" advertised in my name, but here's a real one

Which approach to take on experimental statistics

Beyond Thought Experiments (slides & notes from Autonomy & Automation)

Marking Second-Term Programming

Futurism, AI & Privacy

How to examine a UK research degree

Are robot weapons less responsible than child soldiers?

It's our job to make doing PhDs a better idea: 10 suggestions & a brief paean to academia

Honey Macadamia Oat Bread Recipe

The Intelligence Explosion started 10,000 years ago (+/- 2,000)

The Widcombe Wrobotiers understand AI (robot memory & emotions)

Definition of research for the REF

Humanities & Science (short & simple)

Paying for knowledge (Academics are not greedy)

IJCAI 2013 Panel: The Future of AI: What If We Succeed?


Why Memories Need to Be Lost

On "Masculinised" appearance

On Being a Masculinised Woman in Academia