
The use of automated decision-making tools and distributed ledger technologies to improve quality and quantity of information to consumers

Transparency is not binary

Neither interoperability nor data sharing will solve transnational monopoly

Two ways AI technology is like Nuclear technology

When marginal returns on data collapse, and when they do not

Minimising Regulation

Two minute (?) statement on "Just AI" (why humans need trust)

Anytime algorithms and (student?) project management

Responsible AI

When I (was ?) build(ing) AGI

It's (still) not about trust: No one should buy AI if governments won't enforce liability

Regulating AI as a pervasive technology: My response to the EU AI Whitepaper Consultation

"Big data" is not a win: the Rumpelstiltskin AI (Rumpelstilzchen KI) fallacy and manifesto