Do not send form emails hunting for unannounced academic positions

Dear potential student, postdoc, or collaborator,

thank you for your possible interest in my research. However, from your letter, I cannot tell whether you've ever read one of my papers. If there is something you want from me, you should expect to spend more time on determining and communicating that than I would have to spend on understanding and considering your offer. 

Please make it evident what papers of mine you have read, and why you think our research interests match. Realise that I'm much more likely to be working on topics I've recently written about or posted about in social media than papers I've written many years ago, though that isn't true in all cases.

Please do not send out email randomly. Please do not use AI to create long, fake cover letters (though it's fine to use AI to correct English.) I am not using AI to read my email, except for the spam filter, and even that I check by hand once in a while. In general, please keep your email short and to the point, but clearly informed.


Joanna Bryson
