Abstract | Abstract: The central theme of the talk is that interactive drama emerges when we place individual characters in social situations:drama = sociality + individuality. I will give a host of examples from my previous work: social situations and individuals in The Sims 3, SimPhilosopher, and Little Text People. Talk structure: first, I will motivate the need for concurrent communicating social practices in people simulations. Then, I will motivate the advantages of a declarative representation of state over procedural languages (e.g. ABL). I will sketch the formal theory of Exclusion Logic which powers the social simulation. I will also describe how we model individual personality traits. Speaker bio: Richard Evans is an AI specialist with a particular focus on the simulation of social practices and individual personality. Richard is the co-founder, along with Emily Short, of Little Text People. Previously he worked at Maxis as the AI lead on The Sims 3 and, before that, as the Head of AI at Lionhead responsible for the AI in Black & White. |